Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What if...

There are some things in life which always trigger your thoughts and make you think back "What if". "What if I didn't do this?". "What if I did inform them earlier?". "What if I did not hide part of the truth?". What if... ...?

The decisions seem so straightforward or '只能这样了' at the point of decision making but only when we finally 'face the music' of the action/decision or sit down and seriously reflect, do we realise we could have/should have handled things differently.

I'm sure this happens to almost everyone, albeit in different capacity. Why? Cos' we were clouded by the situation? Or cos' we simply don't dare to reap what we sow immediately, preferring to "走一步,看一步" instead?

I guess I will never be able to rectify this weakness in me and although I'd hate that to happen, I think its not the end of "What if"s yet...

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