Monday, October 19, 2009


Lesson learnt over the past few days: the next time I set up a deadline, I should set it at an earlier date, cos things will only be in on the last day itself or come in late. >_<

Tml meeting lecturer for ICT so that has to be the priority and have to get the skeleton + most of the 'flesh' out. Left with draft of lesson plan now.

Similarly, the same applies for Ed Psych 2 on Wed. Tonight must 'chiong' the eportfolio. Wednesday also got presentation (in the form of simulation teaching). The few other (3) male students' group already presented last week, so I'll be the only guy dressing up formally. My groups the 1st of the final 2 to present and I'm starting off the presentation. >_< Hope I won't 'kanna' silly/sticky questions from the 'students'.

Then there's still Ed Psych 1 to be done too. 24 hrs per day seems a tat too short at the moment. After all these will still be left with individual assignments. Argggh...

Rant over and back to multitasking. ^_^

why is my heartbeat beating so fast
why am i going crazy
my heart feels like it will burst
i feel crazy
(lol very 'loose' translation)

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