Thanks a lot. You made me realized what a big fool I was. You made me think twice about placing my trust on someone again. You enlightened me that friendship is not worth its weight in gold. You showed me how wrong I am to be a 滥好人. Through you, the idea of never judge a book by its cover was reinforced. I don't understand why even up to the very last minute, you still claim innocence. Well, maybe I look that gullible to you. People say 'Be a man and own up'. Well, I guess its safe to say you're not one. What are you worried or scared off? Me? Surely not. Else you wouldn't have done what you did. Then? I really don't get it. By keeping mum, you are only strengthening my belief that you were in the thick of it. Fine. Do as you deem right. 人在做,天在看。若要人不知,除非己莫为。To think you even tried me out again. For goodness sake, put a stop to your evil thoughts. Retribution will befall one day - sooner or later. Good luck to you. You'll need it. Lots of it.
To Person B:
Everything is my fault. All wrong is due to my misdeeds. You are one of the victim. I owe it to you. You are always right. I am always wrong. I have no right to explain and there is never a chance of you giving me the benefit of doubt. Always knew that once the trust is broken, it can never be fixed. I was just too silly to even hold out for that slight possibility of being given a renewed chance. Fat hope that. You can think I am not doing my part. You can think I am not trying and just waiting for incidents to unfold and things to be settled on its on. You can continue labeling, accusing and finding fault. After all, nothing I say/do can change your perception. Funny how someone with no conscience can actually be so affected but your words and actions. Maybe he's just plain stupid. I still thank you for the helping hand you lent, be it out of your own willingness or on the account of other parties. Whether you accept or not and whether you believe I mean what I say or not, is beyond my control. Guess you are right in saying what you feel though. No point being a hypocrite. I was plain silly to be affected by your words. Sorry - but I've always been that dumb so you shouldn't be too put off, right? It's my fault. It's mine - and I mean it.
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